Before, During, and after | Group SHow
Exhibition Dates: September 25 - November 28
Sandler Hudson Gallery is pleased to announce Before, During, and After, a group exhibition featuring 17 represented artists. For many of us, moments have come to be more strictly characterized in relation to the genesis of these “unprecedented times”. Similar to this, the collection of works presented in Before, During, and After may be viewed in reference to those specific time frames as well.
The selected works on display are contributions made by the following:
Linda Armstrong
Lloyd Benjamin
Krista Clark
Don Cooper
William Downs
Kenn Kotara
Mark Leibert
Donna Mintz
Mario Petrirena
Michael Reese
Kit Reuther
Rocío Rodríguez
Michele Schuff
Elizabeth Sheppell
Brett Smith
Renée Stout
Martha Whittington